Black Males Underrepresented

April 29, 2018 On Wednesday, April 25 while walking on my lunch at COBO convention center, I was bombarded by thousands of students who created an alliance of teams from various Michigan High schools who won the Michigan State Championships in robotics on April 14 at Saginaw Valley State University. While navigating the crowd, I took inventory of the number of black students, particularly males, who were in attendance.  Sadly enough, I only encountered one.   I stopped to congratulate him and provided him with a flyer for the “Young Black Male – #Favored Not Feared movement. With the crisis growing …

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Objects in Mirror are Closer than they Appear!

February 25, 2018 While driving or as a front seat passenger, have you ever noticed the inscription, “Objects in Mirror are Closer than they Appear” on the passenger side view mirror? In case you didn’t know, this message is a safety feature to warns drivers that their perception of “objects” behind or on the side of them is distorted to make them appear closer.   This potential danger may cause a driver to change lanes thinking the car next to them is a safe distance behind, when in fact it is closer. Similarly, when looking through the rearview mirror of life, …

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Life Lessons

 January 22, 2018 When faced with a disappointment, setback or failure, we tend to ask ourselves, “Why”?  Why am I going through this?  Depending on the situation, we also find ourselves asking, “How”? How could this happen to me?     In addition to asking Why? And How? it is also important to ask “What”?  Specifically, what am I to learn from this situation? When answering these pointed questions, we often look through the lens of negativity for insight and understanding.  From this perspective, the challenges we face overshadow our ability to realize that things happen in our lives for a reason. Since …

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Another Year – Another Chance!

Five, four, three, two, one…Happy New Year!   Now that the ball has dropped, the celebrations are behind us and the new year has begun, it’s time to reflect on last year’s experiences.   As men, let’s stop and evaluate who and where we are in life right now. As defined by Webster’s dictionary, “to evaluate is to judge or determine the significance, worth, or condition of usually by careful appraisal and study.”    In life, we are always being evaluated.   On our job, an annual performance appraisal evaluates how well we perform our duties, in school; periodic tests and exams assess how …

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